House S02 Ep04 - TB ou não TB / TB or Not TB

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Um médico famoso que faz campanhas para combater a tuberculose na África desmaia durante uma apresentação para uma indústria farmacêutica.

Roteiro: David Foster

Doença: Nesidioblastoma - um tipo incomum de câncer de Ilhotas de Langerhans (um grupo de células do pâncreas) Tuberculose

O Scott do politedissent reclama bastante da medicina neste episódio.

Frases e diálogos:

House: Every minute that we refuse to love one another, another puppy cries another tear. Dr. Wilson: You’re just mad because he’s closer to a Nobel prize then you. House: But I’ve nailed more Swedish babes. It’s a crazy crazy world. Dr. Wilson: It’s not just a trip to Stockholm, you know. It comes with a cash prize. House: Seriously? No wonder everyone’s going after that peace thing. Dr. Wilson: He cures thousands of people every year, you cure, what? Thirty? House: McDonald’s makes a better hamburger than your mother because they make more? Dr. Wilson: Oh, I see! So you hate him because the lives he saves aren’t as good as the lives you save. House: Yup, that’s the reason. Nobel invented dynamite. I won’t accept his blood money.

House: He’s not even a real doctor, he’s a human telethon. Dr. Wilson: Is that your problem with him? You see hypocrites every day, why is this guy so special? House: You think I have a hypocritical attitude to hypocrisy? The problem is there are 26 letters in the alphabet and he only uses two of them. He treats thousands of patients with one diagnosis. He knows the answer going in. It’s cheating. Dr. Wilson: So it’s all because he’s one of them useless specialists? House: Oh, did I hurt the big time oncologist’s itty bitty feelings? You’re a big help to patients who actually have cancer. Other times you’re just annoying.

Dr. Foreman: You figure that anybody that gives a crap about people in Africa must be full of it? House: Yes. There’s an evolutionary imperative why we give a crap about our family and friends. And there’s an evolutionary imperative why we don’t give a crap about anybody else. If we loved all people indiscriminately, we couldn’t function. Dr. Foreman: Hmmm. So, the great humanitarian’s as selfish as the rest of us. House: Just not as honest about it.

Música: "Stranger In A Strange Land" - Leon Russell

Questão: Ego Hipocrisia Mídia

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