House S01 Ep06 - Método Socrático / The Socratic Method

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Mãe diagnosticada com esquizofrenia desperta a curiosidade de House.

Método Socrático "é o método que consiste em parir idéias complexas a partir de perguntas simples e articuladas dentro dum contexto."

Ou seja, é o processo que ocorre em todos os episódios do House... Por causa dele, House precisa da equipe ou de outros interlocutores como Wilson e Cuddy.

Roteiro: John Mankiewicz

Doença: Falta de Vitamina K - Vitamina importante para a cogulação do sangue Doença de Wilson - Doença hereditária que se caracteriza por um acúmulo de cobre nos tecidos e sintomas neurológicos e hepáticos.

Frase: Sobre aniversários:

House: Normally I'd put on a festive hat and celebrate the fact that the Earth has circled the sun one more time. I really didn't think it was going to make it this year, but darn it if it wasn't the little planet that could all over again.

House:On the other hand, we dont really know anything about schizophrenia, so maybe it is connected. Wilso: Well, the schizophrenia explains one mystery: why youre so fascinated by a woman with a bump in her leg. Like Picasso deciding to whitewash a fence. House: Thanks. Im more of a Leroy Neiman man. And it is only about the DVT. Shes 38 years old, she should be--- Wilson: Right. Solve this one and youre on your way to Stockholm. House: We dont even know how to treat it! Come on! Fumigation of the vagina?" [nurses look around] Wilson: A little louder — I dont think everyone heard you. House: Two thousand years ago, thats how Galen treated schizophrenics — the Marcus Welby of ancient Greece. Wilson: Oh! Clearly youre not interested. House: Im interested. Im interested in how voices in the head could be caused by malposition of the uterus. Wilson: Theres a better place for it?" House: And now what have we got? Weve got lobotomies, rubber rooms, electric shock — my — Galen was so primitive. Wilson: Where are you going?" House: Going to see the patient. That all-important human connection. Thought Id give it a whirl. Wilson: You wont talk to patients because they lie, but give you patient with no concept of reality---" House: If it wasnt for Socrates, that raving untreated schizophrenic, we wouldnt have the Socratic method — the best way of teaching everything, apart from juggling chainsaws. Without Isaac Newton, wed be floating on the ceiling. Wilson: Dodging chainsaws, no doubt. House: And that guitar player in that English band — he was great. You think Im interested because of the schizophrenia. Wilson: Yeah. Im pretty sure. House: Galen was pretty sure about the fumigation thing.[Then finally remembering the English band] "Pink Floyd."

Leroy Neiman = Pintor americano conhecido por retratar com cores vivas atletas e eventos esportivos Galen = Cláudio Galeno, um dos pioneiros da medicina Marcus Welby = Médico de seriado americano transmitido de 1969 a 1976. O guitarrista esquizofrenico do Pink Floyd = Sid Barrett, fundador e alma criativa que deixou a banda no meio do segundo disco "A saucerful of secrets" de 1968. "Wish You Were Here" e "Shine on You Crazy Diamond" são homenagens à Barrett.

Questão: Esquizofrenia A contribuição dos esquizopfrênicos para a humanidade

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